Ensuring food safety through heat sterilization is indispensable, primarily divided into two categories: pasteurization and retort sterilization. This article focuses particularly on pasteurization, breaking down complex concepts such as D values and Z values into bite-sized, easy-to-understand nuggets of wisdom. We'll not just stop at explaining these terms; we'll dive into their practical applications in the food sterilization process, giving you a front-row seat to the action.

Sterilization Below 100°C (Pasteurization)

 Pasteurization, named after the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur, stems from his experiments debunking spontaneous generation, where he sterilized a liquid in a swan-neck flask at temperatures below 100°C. Since retort sterilization involves temperatures above 100°C, sterilizing food at or below 100°C is referred to as pasteurization.



 Various countries have established criteria to ensure food safety through pasteurization. For instance, Japan's Food Sanitation Law equates keeping the core temperature of food at 63°C for over 30 minutes or at 75°C for more than a minute to adequate heat treatment. This standard, also adopted internationally, like the recommendation in the US for pasteurizing milk at 63°C for 30 minutes or 71.7°C for 15 seconds, varies depending on the microorganisms and type of food involved but shares a common goal worldwide.

Typical temperature for pasteurization

Why Is the Pasteurization Temperature 63°C?

 Ever wondered why 63°C is the go-to temperature for wiping out microbes via pasteurization? It's all about understanding the denaturation temperature of proteins. As the temperature climbs, proteins begin to flex their structural muscles, leading to increased activities, like enzyme actions. But, there's a cap to this flexibility. Around the 60°C mark, proteins loosen up too much and can't snap back to their original shape, a phenomenon known as thermal denaturation. Typically, this happens near 60°C.

Protein denaturation temperature


 Since microbes are built up of proteins, denaturing these proteins spells doom for the little critters. Thus, the sweet spot for heating to kill microbes without turning your dinner into a science experiment gone wrong is around 60°C. The chosen temperature of 63°C for pasteurization is specifically picked to ensure microbes kick the bucket efficiently.

 Cranking up the heat does indeed ramp up the sterilizing power, but it also accelerates protein denaturation, meddling with the taste. Take a steak, for example. The moment its core shifts from red to just-about-white happens around 63°C. Heating it within this temperature range ensures you're zapping the microbes without compromising the meat's succulence and flavor. Go any higher or longer in the heat (think: well-done), and you might kill all the germs but also the joy of a tender, tasty steak. Thus, 63°C is the optimal low-end temperature for effective microbe massacre that keeps the food's safety and scrumptiousness in harmony.

Denaturation of meat and proteins

Why Is the Pasteurization Time 30 Minutes?

 So, why 30 minutes? The quest for this exact time isn't crystal clear from the documents available. However, looking at the FDA's guidelines in the US, which vary by the type of food and target microorganism, gives us some clues. For instance, targeting Listeria in ready-to-eat foods requires a 6 D reduction in bacterial count.

Sterilization standards for Listeria

What's a D Value?

 Let's demystify the "6 D" term by diving into what D value actually means.

D value is the time required to reduce a specific microbial population by 90% (to 1/10th of its original count). For instance, if the D value at 63°C is 3 minutes, it implies that in 3 minutes, the microbial count drops from 10^7 to 10^6.

Explanation of D-value

 Why does the FDA in the US specify a 6 D reduction for sterilizing ready-to-eat foods targeting Listeria? From the perspective of the amount of bacteria capable of causing food poisoning, consider a ready-to-eat food item with a pre-heating bacterial count of 10^7/g of Listeria. Applying a 6 D sterilization reduces this to 10^1/g. Given current data on cases worldwide, food containing Listeria at concentrations below 100/g is considered to pose minimal risk (FAO/WHO, 2004). Thus, immediately after sterilization, the bacterial count is significantly lower than the minimum infectious dose. However, considering potential increases in bacterial counts during chilled distribution or due to improper temperature management, scenarios might demand even higher D values for sterilization than 6 D, such as with foods having a shelf life of 10 days at 5°C. The number of Ds in pasteurization conditions is decided by realistically estimating the pre-sterilization pathogen count, as well as considering sterilization temperature conditions, distribution days, and shelf life.

 In the US, the zero-tolerance policy for Listeria dictates that it must not be detectable in any 25g of the product. This means that if a ready-to-eat food initially has 10^4/g of Listeria, applying a 6 D sterilization would reduce it to below the detectable limit per 100g. Hence, a 6 D sterilization assumes the highest initial Listeria count in ready-to-eat foods to be 10^4/g.

 Understanding this, let's contemplate the significance of a 30-minute pasteurization at 63°C. The D value for Listeria at 63°C is approximately 2.8 minutes. Using the US method of 6 D sterilization, 2.8 minutes × 6 = 17 minutes. Therefore, a 30-minute duration would correspond to an 11 D sterilization for Listeria, far exceeding the necessary time for ensuring safety, even in the worst-case scenario of 10^7/g initial pathogen presence.

Evaluation of pasteurization 1

 One might wonder about pathogens other than Listeria. Generally, D values don't vary significantly among different pathogens, which we'll address further down.

 Note: The D values mentioned here are standard values obtained from test-tube cultures. It's important to keep in mind that D values can increase in foods with low moisture activity.

And What About Z Values? Necessary for Calculating Equivalent Sterilization Conditions

 Now, let's delve into the indispensable Z value when contemplating heat sterilization. Some may wonder if knowing Z values has any practical use. However, without an understanding of Z values, adjusting sterilization conditions effectively in the food production field becomes a challenging task. It's crucial to grasp this concept, though I promise not to bog you down with overly complex theory here. Simply put, the definition of a Z value is as follows:

Z value: The temperature change required to alter the D value by tenfold (in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit).

Definition of Z-value

 This definition alone might leave you scratching your head, wondering how it applies in real life. So, let's explore a practical example.

 Imagine Mr. Yamada in a factory wishes to adjust the sterilization conditions from 63°C for 30 minutes to a slightly higher temperature but for a shorter duration. Say, what would be the equivalent time if he raised the temperature to 71°C? The key to solving this puzzle lies in the Z value. With an 8°C increase from 63°C to 71°C and considering a Z value of 8, the math shows us that the sterilization time at 71°C would be 30 divided by 10, equalling 3 minutes. This exemplifies how Z values operate.

Note: Typically, the Z value for non-spore-forming bacteria under 100°C is between 5 to 8. To determine Z values accurately, one needs real measurement data based on the specific microorganisms, sterilization conditions (temperature, time), and the characteristics of the food or product. For the purpose of our discussion, we're using a Z value of 8.

Using Z Values to Verify the Relationship Between 63°C for 30 Minutes and 75°C for 1 Minute

 Having grasped the concept of Z values from the previous example, let's now apply them to a more practical calculation. Let's compare 63°C for 30 minutes and 75°C for 1 minute. But do these conditions really offer the same level of sterilization? Let's use Z values to crunch the numbers and find out. First up, here's the formula to understand:

Required sterilization time (minutes) = 30 minutes × 10^(63°C - input temperature) / 8°C

 Now, this formula might seem a bit daunting at first glance, but it's not as complicated as it looks. The "input temperature" here refers to the temperature you plan to use for sterilization. Let's simplify by initially setting it at 63°C for a straightforward understanding.

Required sterilization time (minutes) = 30 minutes × 10^(63°C - 63°C) / 8°C = 30 minutes × 10^0 = 30 minutes × 1 = 30 minutes.

 This result is intuitive—sterilizing at 63°C for 30 minutes is exactly what we're discussing, so of course, the answer is 30 minutes. The equation accurately calculates what we already know.

 Next, let's tweak the input temperature to 71°C. With 71°C being 8°C higher than 63°C and assuming a Z value of 8°C, we might quickly guess that the sterilization time needed at 71°C would be a tenth of 30 minutes, or 3 minutes. Let's verify this with our formula:

Required sterilization time (minutes) = 30 minutes × 10^(63°C - 71°C) / 8°C = 30 minutes × 10^-1 = 3 minutes.

The formula indeed confirms our quick calculation.

 Essentially, this formula transforms the definition of Z values into a practical tool for calculating sterilization times at varying temperatures.

 Finally, applying 75°C in the formula gives us a required time of approximately 0.96 minutes, essentially validating that 63°C for 30 minutes is nearly equivalent to 1 minute at 75°C.

This calculation demonstrates how, with a solid understanding of the formula, you can adapt sterilization times to different temperatures in your own food processing scenarios.

Calculation of pasteurization 4

However, calculating negative powers of ten might not be straightforward without a calculator or Excel, which is why a detailed explanation of using Excel for these calculations is provided in the linked video.

How Much Do D Values Vary Among Microorganisms? – A Handy Number: 3 Minutes

 As we delve into the intricacies of D and Z values, it's natural to wonder if these parameters vary significantly across different types of microorganisms. Indeed, on a granular level, both D and Z values do vary depending on the microbe in question. However, for a more practical grasp, let's simplify things a bit.

 First off, concerning D values, it's useful to remember the ballpark figure of 3 minutes at 63°C. As we've discussed, this temperature is sufficient to induce denaturation in the proteins of at least the vegetative cells of microbes, affecting both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae, understanding that a D value of about 3 minutes at 63°C is a good rule of thumb can be immensely helpful in practical applications.

 Moving on to Z values, while there may indeed be some variation depending on the microorganism, for temperatures below 100°C, a Z value of 8°C can generally be applied across the board. For higher temperatures, above 100°C, it's good to remember a Z value of 10°C. For instance, in the context of retort sterilization — discussed in a subsequent article — which involves sterilizing at 121°C for 4 minutes, an equivalent sterilization at 111°C would require around 40 minutes, illustrating how Z values facilitate adjustments in sterilization conditions.

 In summary, while precise D and Z values for specific microorganisms are crucial for textbook-level understanding, practical applications often benefit from adhering to these general guidelines, making the complex world of food sterilization a bit more navigable.

D-value of typical food poisoning bacteria

Beware: D Values Significantly Increase in Low Moisture Foods

 The D values we've discussed so far are primarily based on results from liquid cultures. For foods with a moisture activity (aw) above 0.9, such as vegetables and meats, these D values can serve as a rough guide. However, the situation changes dramatically when we turn our attention to low moisture foods.

 In the case of low moisture foods, the heat resistance of microorganisms markedly increases. This means that when heating dry foods or those with low moisture activity, the D values obtained from liquid media will not suffice; higher D values are required. We delve deeper into this topic in another article, which explores the relationship between food moisture activity and microbial heat resistance in detail.

Important Considerations for Heat Sterilization and Sterilization Experiments

 Finally, let's address some common pitfalls beginners might encounter when considering heat sterilization of microorganisms. It's crucial to understand that all mentioned temperatures and times refer to the core temperature of the food. For example, when sterilizing meat at 63°C for 30 minutes, it's not merely about soaking it in hot water at that temperature for the duration. Instead, a thermometer must be inserted into the center of the meat, ensuring the core reaches and maintains 63°C for the full 30 minutes.

 Similarly, a frequent mistake made during student experiments involves starting measurements immediately after placing a test tube containing microbial cells into a water bath set at 63°C for 30 minutes. This approach does not ensure that the cells are instantly exposed to the target temperature. A more effective method involves preheating 9.9 milliliters of culture medium to 63°C, then adding 0.1 ml of microbial culture. This way, the microbial suspension is instantly subjected to 63°C, allowing for the accurate plotting of microbial survival curves based on this initial exposure as time zero.

 For further reading on heat sterilization, including foundational knowledge and advanced sterilization techniques like retort sterilization, please refer to related articles.

These insights into the specifics of heat sterilization emphasize the importance of accurate temperature control and understanding the influence of food properties on microbial death rates, ensuring effective and safe food processing practices.

Sterilisation of Food - Grasping the Basics of Heat Sterilisation

Core temperature