Cleaning and Sterilising Food Plants
Discover the Powerful World of Cleaning Agents in the Food Industry: Where grime and germs meet their matchNew!!

Enter the battleground of the food factory, where grime and germs are the persistent villains, and our mighty cleaning and disinfecting agents stand ready to battle and ensure pristine conditions.

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Cleaning and Sterilising Food Plants
Biofilm in food factories

When considering the cleaning and sterilization of microbes in factories, it's crucial to understand the concept of biofilms. This article simply and clearly explains what biofilms are, their formation process and mechanism, the physiological characteristics of biofilm cells, the areas in food factories where they are likely to form, and methods of removal.

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Cleaning and Sterilising Food Plants
Which is more important: disinfection or cleaning?

This article aims to elucidate the fundamental strategies of disinfection and cleaning within the food production environment, employing a scenario where boots coated with food residues are subjected to a disinfectant. It becomes clear that merely applying disinfectant is insufficient; understanding the critical role of cleaning is paramount. Microorganisms can rapidly multiply, rendering the effects of disinfection temporary as long as residual organic matter is present. While knowing the types of disinfectants is valuable, grasping the essentials of thorough cleaning is fundamentally more crucial.

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Cleaning and Sterilising Food Plants
Handwashing Nuances: Efficacy Against Transient Bacteria vs. Resident Flora

The way we wash our hands daily can remove dirt and transient bacteria. However, it's not possible to remove the resident bacteria that naturally live on our hands. For instance, Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as staph, cannot be washed away. In fact, washing hands may even bring staph to the surface, increasing the risk of transferring it to food. This article will discuss the purpose, meaning, and microbiological aspects of handwashing.

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Histamine forming bacteria

In this article, we will explore the types of food that commonly lead to histamine food poisoning, the causes, symptoms of histamine food poisoning, prevention methods, the bacteria that produce histamine, why the histidine decarboxylation reaction occurs in bacteria, the fact that heating food does not eliminate histamine once it's formed, and the misconception that fish is the only cause of this issue.

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Cronobacter sakazakii

In this article, let's unravel the mystery of Cronobacter sakazakii, a bacterium that's causing concern due to its sneaky way of contaminating infant formula. We'll tackle why this particular germ is worrisome for babies and also discuss the dos and don'ts when preparing baby formula, all from the viewpoint of keeping those tiny tots safe.

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Domino Effect: Unraveling the 10 Top Foodborne Pathogens

In this article, we're going to dive deep into the world of noroviruses. We'll explore their basic characteristics, such as their remarkable resilience in various environments and their non-replicating nature. We'll also discuss why noroviruses are frequently transmitted through numerous food sources, the incubation period from infection to onset of symptoms, the typical symptoms like acute gastroenteritis, and how healthy individuals can inadvertently spread noroviruses. Additionally, we'll examine the survival capabilities of noroviruses under dry conditions and provide practical measures to prevent norovirus food poisoning.

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Domino Effect: Unraveling the 10 Top Foodborne Pathogens
Clostridium perfringens

This blog post unveils the secrets of Clostridium perfringens, the notorious food poisoning bacteria that loves to crash the party in dishes like stews and curries, especially when they're not cooled down quickly. Known for causing large-scale outbreaks, this heat-resistant, oxygen-shunning microbe is a real troublemaker in the world of food safety!

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Domino Effect: Unraveling the 10 Top Foodborne Pathogens
Listeria monocytogenes

 In this article, we're going to look at what Listeria monocytogenes is – a type of bacteria that causes food poisoning. We'll also cover the symptoms of listeriosis, and why it's particularly important for older people and pregnant women to be cautious. But it's not just about cheese and cured meats like prosciutto; we also need to be careful with all kinds of ready-to-eat foods, including sandwiches, fruits and vegetables, and smoked seafood products. We'll explain why these foods require extra attention and the reasons behind it..

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Domino Effect: Unraveling the 10 Top Foodborne Pathogens
Staphylococcus aureus

Welcome to the intriguing world of microbiology, where even the smallest organisms can have a big impact on our lives! In this article, we're diving into Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that's as fascinating as it is important to understand. This blog post will shed light on the various aspects of this microbe, from its habitats to its role in skin infections and food poisoning. Get ready to explore the domino effects of Staphylococcus aureus in our everyday life.

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