In this article, we're going to unravel the mysteries of the Salmonella. We'll kick things off by understanding its characteristics starting from its habitats, flowing through in a domino-like cascade, rather than merely memorizing facts. This will set a solid foundation to then explore the two types of Salmonella - one causing food poisoning and the other transmitting from person to person. We'll also delve into the unique way Salmonella is denoted (serotype notation), typical food poisoning patterns, contamination in raw chicken, global regulatory scenarios, the relationship between eggs and Salmonella risks, and lastly, the bacteria's astonishing resilience to drying.

Unraveling the Domino Traits of Salmonella: A Journey from Habitat to Characteristics

  Before we delve into this cascade of knowledge, it would be helpful to first read through a basic article on Gram staining and microbial characteristics available on our blog. This foundational reading will pave the way for the smooth flow of understanding that follows, akin to a well-aligned domino fall.

Introduction to Food Microbiology: The Extraordinary Relationship between Gram Staining and Microbial Properties

image of domino
  1. Now, let’s embark on our domino trail of understanding Salmonella. Their journey begins in the intestines of rodents and poultry, which are watery environments. 
  2. This leads us to understand that Salmonella is a Gram-negative bacterium.
  3. Being Gram-negative implies they can cause infectious food poisoning.
  4. The optimal temperature for their multiplication is around 37°C, near the body temperature of mammals and birds. Hence, they don’t multiply in colder environments like a refrigerator.
  5. Despite being Gram-negative, which usually signifies a weakness towards drying and high temperatures, Salmonella exhibits a remarkable resistance to dry conditions compared to other Gram-negative bacteria. This trait is significant for food safety management, as Salmonella can survive longer even on relatively dry manufacturing lines, often found in dry food products.
  6. Adapted to intestinal living, they are facultative anaerobes, which means they can adapt to low oxygen conditions.
  7. Similar to some other intestinal bacteria, they can produce organic acids through fermentative metabolism, showcasing a relative resilience towards acidic conditions, albeit not as robust as some other bacteria like E.coli.
  8. Their Gram-negative nature endows them with an outer membrane, providing a strong defense against hydrophobic compounds.
  9. This characteristic aids in designing selective media for Salmonella by adding certain compounds to inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria, hence making it easier to isolate and study them.

Understanding these attributes in a sequential manner, much like a domino fall, gives us a clearer picture of Salmonella's nature and the precautions necessary to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Understanding Salmonella by dominoes.

The Dual Nature of Salmonella: A Tale of Two Types

 Even when we casually mention Salmonella, it's essential to understand that we are broadly referring to two types of pathogens.

 One type is the culprit behind the infamous Salmonella food poisoning. When Salmonella Typhimurium or Salmonella Enteritidis enters our system through consumed food, it triggers what we commonly know as Salmonella food poisoning. The origin of these bacteria usually traces back to birds, rodents, and other warm-blooded animals. They are widely recognized in developed countries as a common cause of food poisoning, especially through the consumption of raw chicken and eggs. Proper cooking and storage of food are crucial to preventing outbreaks of this kind.

Types of Salmonella that cause food poisoning.

 On the other hand, there's a more sinister side to Salmonella. The strains Salmonella Typhi (which causes Typhoid fever) and Salmonella Paratyphi A (leading to Paratyphoid fever) operate on a different level. Humans are their natural hosts, and these strains are treated as infectious diseases. Once infected, the bacteria enter the bloodstream, posing a significantly higher risk of mortality. The control of food hygiene is vital to managing Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi A, especially in developing countries where these infections are more prevalent. In places lacking adequate water facilities and sanitary conditions, the risk of infection spreading through contaminated food and water increases. While occurrences are less frequent in developed countries, travelers visiting developing countries may be at risk. The severity of infection between these two groups is distinctively different.

Typhoid-causing types of Salmonella.

 Now, let’s delve a bit deeper into how these two groups operate once they enter our system. The food-poisoning strains like Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis invade the cells lining our intestines, eventually getting engulfed and eradicated by cells called phagocytes.

 In contrast, while Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi A follow a similar initial invasion plan, they possess a clever escape system. Even when engulfed by phagocytes, they evade digestion. Instead of meeting their end, they thrive within these cells, using them as vehicles to spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. This results in severe systemic symptoms, and unfortunately, a higher mortality rate.

 Understanding the dual nature of Salmonella is not just a fascinating dive into microbiology, but a crucial step towards better health and food safety practices.

Differences in the pathogenic mechanisms of the two types of salmonellosis.

The Unique Notation of Salmonella: Denoted by Serotype 

  The way we notate the name of Salmonella differs a bit from how we usually denote other bacteria. Typically, bacterial names are written in italics with the species name starting with a lowercase letter. For instance, we have Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (or E. coli). However, with Salmonella, it's a bit different. The name "Typhimurium" begins with an uppercase 'T' and is written in block letters (non-italicized). But why this unusual notation?

  In reality, Salmonella comprises various strains within the species known as 'enterica.' This single species encompasses all Salmonella strains significant in food microbiology. Going further, within Salmonella, there are 'subspecies', subdivisions based on characteristics like differences in fermenting sugars. Particularly, the subspecies 'enterica' of 'Salmonella enterica' contains all the critical strains causing food poisoning, Typhoid, and Paratyphoid fever.

Reasons for calling Salmonella by serotype.

 The issue arises as this 'enterica' subspecies mixes strains causing food poisoning with more dangerous ones like Typhoid and Paratyphoid bacteria. To distinctly identify these, the accurate notation would be a mouthful - 'Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium.'

 Writing this long name every time can be quite cumbersome. Hence, especially in academic documents, it has become common to abbreviate it to just the serotype 'Typhimurium', written in block letters with an uppercase 'T'. Although this method isn't officially sanctioned, it's widely adopted for practical convenience in actual usage.

 This encapsulates the background behind the unique notation of Salmonella's name, a simplification born out of the necessity to ease communication while still maintaining clarity in distinguishing between different strains.

Patterns of Salmonella Food Poisoning

 Salmonella , notorious for causing what we commonly refer to as Salmonella food poisoning, often have a high contamination rate in chicken meat. It's not unusual to detect Salmonella in chicken or other meats during regular checks. However, the good news is, when we cook chicken thoroughly, these potentially harmful bacteria are destroyed, rendering the meat safe to eat.

There are instances where Salmonella can contaminate an egg through what is called vertical transmission from the parent chicken. It's believed that worldwide, the rate of raw egg contamination falls between 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 20,000 eggs. Interestingly, the number of Salmonella in an egg is determined at the point when the parent bird lays the egg, and it's generally thought that this number doesn’t increase while the egg is in distribution.

Routes of Salmonella contamination.

Now, why doesn't the number of Salmonella increase during the egg's distribution? The reason is quite fascinating. The part of the egg where Salmonella contamination occurs is the egg white. Eggs, be it chicken eggs or in general, any reproductive cells like eggs or sperm from organisms, are crucial for passing on life to the next generation. Therefore, they are fortified with various antibacterial substances to ward off bacterial invasions.

In the case of chicken eggs, the egg white contains a good deal of these protective substances. For example, it has an enzyme called lysozyme that can dissolve the cell walls of bacteria. Additionally, it contains substances that snatch away the iron which is essential for bacterial growth, a process known as chelation. Due to these protective factors present in the egg white, even if there is Salmonella contamination, it's challenging for the Salmonella bacteria to multiply.

  So, while the risk of Salmonella is there, nature has its way of limiting the bacterial growth, at least within the confines of an egg white. It's an excellent illustration of how nature has its mechanisms to protect against microbial threats, a lesson that could inform how we approach food safety and handling in our daily lives.

 Yet, here's where caution is crucial. The scenario that requires our attention is the cross-contamination that can occur from the knife or cutting board used to cut the chicken to other foods. Imagine cutting a chicken and then using the same knife or board to chop vegetables for a salad without washing them properly in between. This way, the Salmonella can transfer from the raw meat to the fresh veggies. Once these contaminated veggies are consumed, especially if they are eaten raw, the bacteria find a new home in humans, causing the unwelcome Salmonella food poisoning.

 The key management point here is to prevent secondary contamination from raw meats like chicken to other foods. It’s a simple but effective measure to ensure the bacteria stay away from our systems. By adhering to good kitchen hygiene practices like properly washing utensils and cutting boards after handling raw meat, and ensuring meat is cooked well, we can keep the risk of Salmonella food poisoning at bay. This simple understanding of cross-contamination and how to prevent it is a significant step towards safer food practices and a healthier life.

The danger of cross-contamination of Salmonella.

Salmonella contamination in raw chicken meat.

The EU's Strict Regulations on Raw Chicken Meat

 When it comes to raw chicken meat, the European Union (EU) has already set stricter microbial standards compared to the United States or Japan. Until 2010, there weren't any microbial standards set for chicken meat in the EU. However, in December 2011, the food safety standards were updated to include specific criteria for certain serotypes of Salmonella, namely Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium. According to these standards, these strains of Salmonella should not be detected per 25g of chicken meat (with a testing sample size of n=5).

EC. No.1086: Amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 as regards salmonella in fresh poultry meat 

Regulation of Salmonella in raw chicken meat in Eu.

The US Initiates Regulations on Raw Chicken Meat

 As per an announcement by the United States Department of Agriculture in April 2023, microbial standards for Salmonella in breaded raw chicken products have finally been determined. These new standards, based on a policy outlined in August 2022, stipulate that products showing a positive reaction of 1 cfu/g of Salmonella before stuffing or breading cannot be displayed for sale. Moreover, if such contamination is found, the products must be recalled.

Regulation of Salmonella on raw chicken meat initiated in the USA.

 Implementing measures to completely eliminate Salmonella contamination in raw chicken meat at poultry farms and meat processing facilities will undoubtedly pose a significant burden on the industry. However, it's anticipated that efforts toward the global goal of "eradicating Salmonella contamination from raw chicken meat" will continue to strengthen.

 In Japan, microbial standards concerning Salmonella in raw chicken meat have not been established as of now. However, considering the evolving scenarios in the EU and the US, it's plausible that discussions regarding such standards may gain momentum in Japan in the near future. This reflects a broader global movement towards ensuring safer food practices and minimizing the risks associated with Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens.

The Scary Side of Cracked Eggs

 Once an egg is cracked and the yolk mixes with the white, the risk of Salmonella poisoning significantly increases compared to consuming the egg raw. The yolk contains nutrients including iron which are essential for Salmonella growth. Once the egg is cracked, if the Salmonella is present, it begins to multiply vigorously in the mixed egg fluid. Many cases of Salmonella poisoning arise from dishes like omelettes, scrambled eggs, cheesecakes, or homemade mayonnaise. Mostly, these cases are due to poor egg fluid management (like inadequate sterilization or temperature control) after the egg is cracked, especially if the Salmonella contamination was on the eggshell.

Salmonella is scary after cracking eggs.

How Resistant is Salmonella to Drying?

 Interestingly, Salmonella is relatively resistant to drying compared to other Gram-negative bacteria. For instance, in Japan, there was a case of Salmonella poisoning from dried squid snacks in 1999.

Salmonella food poisoning caused by impression dashi in Japan.

In the US, there have been incidents of poisoning from peanut butter with a water activity of 0.35.

Salmonella poisoning from peanut butter in the US.

Also in the EU, there were several occurrences of poisoning from low water activity chocolates. However, it's essential to remember that Salmonella is a Gram-negative bacteria, which are generally more sensitive to stressors like drying compared to Gram-positive bacteria.

Salmonella poisoning from chocolate in Eu.

 I conducted an experiment using Staphylococcus aureus, a representative of Gram-positive bacteria, and Salmonella and Campylobacter, representatives of Gram-negative bacteria. It was found that Campylobacter was the most sensitive to drying. Salmonella, on the other hand, was much more resistant to drying compared to Campylobacter but was less resistant when compared to Staphylococcus aureus, a Gram-positive bacterium.

Comparison of different resistance of Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus to desiccation.

 So, while it's commonly understood that Salmonella is resistant to drying, it's crucial to note that it's relatively stronger among Gram-negative bacteria. However, it is not as strong as Gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus. This nuanced understanding helps in appreciating the various levels of resilience different bacteria have against drying and other environmental stressors, which in turn influences how we handle and process our food to prevent microbial contamination and ensuing foodborne illnesses.

Championing resistance to desiccation among Salmonella gram-negative bacteria.